What if I Only Pass One Half of the General Curriculum 03 MTEL?
One of the most common questions I’ve been asked over the last several months is about the impending new General Curriculum (field 78) MTEL, which is slated to start when the current General Curriculum (field 03) MTEL retires on August 20, 2023.
There are currently two separate subtests for the General Curriculum 03, the Multi-subject and the Math. The current Multi-subject exam consists of English, history, and science while the Math subtest consists of only math content. The uncertainty and questions have arisen because the new General Curriculum 78 exam’s subtests are not exact matches for the 03; the new General Curriculum exam consists of two subtests: the Math and STE (math, science, and technology) and the ELA and HSS (ELA and history/social studies).
Common questions are “What if I’ve passed the Multi-subject (of the 03) but not the Math?” or “What if I’ve passed the Math but not the Multi-subject?”
The bottom line is this*: If passing the General Curriculum qualifies your area of licensure, you need to pass at least one MTEL with ELA, history/social studies, science, and math content.
- If you have passed only the Math 03, you will need to pass the new 78 ELA and HSS because you did not pass a science MTEL.
- If you have passed only the Multi-subject, you will need to pass the new 78 Math and STE, even though you’ve already passed a science MTEL.
There are other MTELs that can substitute for these exams. For example, you can take the Elementary Math (68), Middle School Math (65), Secondary Math (63) or the Mathematics/Science Middle School (77) MTELs in lieu of the new Math and STE (78). If you’ve passed the Math but not the Multi-subject, you can take the GC ELA and HSS and the General Science (64), Mathematic Science Middle School (77), or a combination of high school content areas that cover ELA, history, and science. For the complete list of options, click this link https://www.doe.mass.edu/news/news.aspx?id=27108 for DESE’s publication on the subject.
So, unless you want to deal with more MTELs and preparation, pass the current General Curriculum (03) MTEL this summer—before August 21 when the exam is retired and the new MTEL is released.
If you need help doing so, please this link https://joineti.com/mtel/ and let joinETI.com assure you pass and put the MTELs behind you. We have our last ever classes for the 03 starting up in mid-July!
*there are exceptions, but those exceptions usually require passing a high school content MTEL.