ETI Blog
December 11, 2019 2020-09-21 22:42ETI Blog
The ABCs Of Behavioral Management: Part One
I asked in my last blog and on our student-only Facebook group for topic ideas for this blog. I want to thank Kristy for her suggestion to blog about behavioral management. We spoke earlier this week about the troublesome kindergartener …
How To Participate In IEP Meetings
A common stressor for new teachers is their participation in Individualized Education Plan (IEP) meetings. New and experienced teachers have come to me with many questions over the years: Why do I have to go? What should I say? What …
Grading: What’s Really Important
I work in a high school with special education students. If there is one thing that I’d want to convey to elementary and middle school teachers is that the biggest challenge, we face is the lack of perseverance in our …
Parent-Teacher Relationships: Communicating with “Difficult” Parents
One of the most terrifying tasks for new teachers is talking to parents. Having good relationships with parents makes a teacher’s job significantly easier. Even better is forming a cohesive team with parents for the benefit of students. “Difficult” is …