How To Pass The Early Childhood MTEL
The Early Childhood MTEL has been recently revised. The redeveloped exam, now called the “Field 72,” will be available to take starting February 6, 2023, and registration for it is already open. The old version, Field 02, will be retired on February 5. DESE recently released practice multiple-choice questions and an open response for the new version of the exam. Click here to read our new comprehensive blog on the redeveloped exam.
ETI has been preparing students for this particular MTEL since the early 2000s. My Communication and Literacy students from our first few years (we started in 1999) asked me for help with the Early Childhood MTEL (among others). I refused at first—I work with high school students, but after they convinced me that the test focused on academic content and not “how to teach little kids,” I read up on it and started more programs.

Early Childhood MTEL Basics
Most test takers find the Early Childhood MTEL to be quite difficult. The test covers many subjects—math, science, history, and English for starters. They pile on child development, childhood disorders, developmental theories, and special education. Within those subjects are numerous subtopics such as biology, physics, US history, grammar, punctuation, authors, literary devices, and parts of speech, etc., etc. These subtopics are further divided into dozens or even scores of other topics. It’s not necessarily the content itself that makes this exam hard; the questions are fairly straightforward for their content area. A biology question, for example, will be on a basic biology concept. What makes this exam so difficult is the amount of content it covers. The breadth of information that is covered is mind-numbing.
So, given the task at hand, what should you do to prepare for this gargantuan exam? Whatever you decide, take it as soon as you can. The exam is changing in the summer of 2022, and we don’t know much about the revision.
If you have a good and solid fund of knowledge, you can probably review the test-information booklet for the exam and review the topics you need to brush-up on. Use the online practice exam for a good idea about the content, level, and wording of the questions. Don’t use other sites’ materials as they do not represent what you will see on test day. Use the genuine materials from the DESE/Pearson website.
To review, use the Everything You Need to Know About _________ Homework series by Zeman and Kelley that are published by Scholastic. I recommend the American History, World History, Science, and Geography titles to my students. While they don’t always have the depth of material you need, they are an excellent review, very approachable, and cover most of the content you need. You can supplement your studying with any Internet resources, Brain Pop, videos, etc., on any topics necessary.
Most published “MTEL prep” books and Internet resources are not worth wasting your time on. In my and my 1000s of students’ experience, they are simply not work wasting your time or money on. I know a publisher of one of these series who has a book written for one state’s teachers’ exams, and the title is changed—not the content—for all other states with similar exams; many “MTEL” materials were not actually designed for the MTEL.
If you don’t have a good fund of knowledge, never really learned the material when you were in school, or are SLD, ESL, etc., you might want to find a good preparation course. My advice would be to thoroughly look at the websites of the prep companies and see if the teaching style and program is a good fit for you. I do not recommend “boot camp” style programs. There is simply too much information to absorb it all in a day or over a weekend. I have run a few in the past, but I just don’t think they work. They are easy, quick paydays, but they are not fair to students. Those who do well in these programs most likely could have self-studied and been fine taking the exam.
Since 1999, all of our programs have been guaranteed. Thousands of educators have passed their MTELs and become certified teachers with ETI’s help. Click here to find out how we can guarantee your success!